You've heard it a million times: content is king. But if you're not producing enough of it, or creating the right types of content at the right time, that's not going to help your business grow.

What is content marketing?

Content marketing is a way of creating and distributing valuable content to attract and retain customers. It’s not just a one-off campaign, but instead a long-term strategy that helps you build your brand and establish yourself as an authority in your industry.

Content can take many forms, including blogs, videos, infographics or podcasts – but all of them serve the same purpose: to help you drive traffic back to your website/blog/social media pages so that you can make sales through these channels.

Why does your business need a content marketing strategy?

Content marketing is a strategic, systematic approach to creating and distributing valuable, relevant, and consistent content for the purpose of attracting and retaining a clearly defined audience – with the objective of driving profitable customer action.

Content marketing is the cornerstone of inbound marketing. Inbound marketing is a strategy that focuses on attracting potential customers through intrinsic online activities such as blogging and social media sharing instead of traditional outbound tactics like search engine optimization (SEO) or pay-per-click advertising.

How does Taffy Media create an effective content marketing strategy for your business?

We’ll start by having a conversation with you to discover what your goals are and the current state of your marketing. From there, we’ll develop a plan that makes sense for you and your audience. This plan would be your content strategy that we will use to navigate the market as you develop your brand.

We want to make sure that our recommendations are realistic, so we won’t suggest something that wouldn’t work well for either party—we only recommend things that will be successful!

What steps are involved in producing a content strategy?

Content marketing strategy is a three-step process:

1- The first step is to evaluate your target audience and create a buyer persona that represents them.

2- The second step is to identify the content your audience wants and needs, then create it in the right format for their needs.

3- Finally, you need to distribute this content through online channels or by using offline channels (like print).

If your business has a blog or newsletter, make sure that it's updated regularly with fresh content that includes recent news related to your industry as well as relevant product reviews and tips from industry experts on topics like marketing or finance. Don't forget about social media: Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn—all are great places where you can share links back to your website with more information about the topic being discussed (or just use them for self-promotion).

Do you need help to get started?

Content marketing is a powerful tool for any business, but it can be overwhelming to figure out what you need and how to do it. That’s why we’re here! We can help you create a strategy that works with your goals and budget, and then help you implement it. We want to make sure that you get the results you want from your content marketing efforts—and we know how important they are!

Our creative team is standing by to guide you in a free strategy session. Give us a shout here.